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Your Transformational Journey Begins With

Our Physician Led Zoom Group Meetings

Image by Chris Montgomery

The interactive, online group meetings are created to reproduce the group encounters Dr. Klioze has had for years in her clinic. Building a healthy community that encourages, motivates and stimulates patients, is a powerful tool for transformation. During the monthly Zoom meetings, participants share their progress, frustrations, successes and tips on what has worked or not for them. Dr. Klioze is there to advise, inspire and answers questions. This second monthly opportunity to engage with her, is certainly an added value that other programs do not offer! In addition, Dr. Klioze gives a brief lecture on a medical topic of interest or that's in the news that month. The combination of knowledge and understanding of how disease develops and how to eliminate it, coupled with being held accountable to the group is what makes our program so successful.  

Our Educational Video Courses

Image by Surface

The 9 foundational educational lecture series provide a deeper dive into the evidence-based medical science behind the causes or, in some cases, the current concepts of the causes of disease and how to mitigate, reverse or put chronic illnesses into remission and even reverse the disease state itself.


Understanding how to make our prized Ferrari run better means knowing what is required for its routine maintenance. Dr. Klioze explains and teaches exactly what kind of routine maintenance our body needs and why. If we treat our cars, houses, and possessions with quality care and understanding, shouldn't our body and life deserve the same treatment or even better? 


​For easier consumption and understanding, each lecture or module is divided into 10-15 minute lessons, which are followed by questions and answers to re-affirm understanding and learning.



Our Physician Led Personal Coaching


Dr. Klioze has a broad experience with, and profound knowledge of, numerous types of diseases and how disease affects various types of people. This makes her one on one coaching targeted to your needs and crucial for the dramatic successes she has attained in her patients. She is effective, charismatic, energetic and compassionate. She loves science and medicine, is passionate about her mission to mitigate and reverse disease while caring for people and is often heard quoting, “Your bodies were not designed to fail before their time!”


Dr. Klioze’s coaching style stems from her philosophy, which is based on the idea that, doctors should clearly teach the causes and prevention of disease, so that patients may have a better understanding and be more engaged in successfully preventing and eliminating their illnesses. This is exactly what she practices, and her patients and program participants have had extraordinary results! 

Here Is What You Will Learn About:

Weight loss

Intestinal Biome

Electromagnetic Frequency




Gut, Brain, Hormone Relay

Free Radicals

Intermittent Fasting

Immune Health




Insulin Resistance


Our company is founded on a passion for science and a dream

to benefit the community through lifestyle education and

these 5 keys of disease reversal.

Healthy Eating

‎‏‏‎‎“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.”



Our Shield of Life members, our family and friends who help support and maintain our healing transformation.


A vital restoration to repair, recover and reset our bodies for the day.


An evolving awareness of oneself in the universe and the appreciation that each living thing was created for a purpose.

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Purposeful movement through the activation of muscles to enhance a restful sleep, an alert brain, a healthy biome and body for a happier, longer and more active life.

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